One tool, does it all


What is CPanel?

The CPanel is a tool which lets you monitor and analyse your website or app, and enables the easy access to make modifications or additions as per your needs. All this without any technical assistance.

Everything is

With our CPanel, everything is real-time, even the changes you make to your software gets reflected right away!

See all your

Monitor and keep track of orders and purchases made on your website or app.

Get details of
Website Users

Get to know your website users even more deeply, with the deep integration of user data.

Monitor your
Website Traffic

Our CPanel provides you the easiest way to monitor, analyse and manage your website data in real-time.

Works with all major platforms

Our CPanel works with all major platforms including Websites, Webapps, Android and iOS applications.





Why to use CPanel?

Easy to use

Automated Setup

Update old content

Take Secure Backup

Manage Features

Get Analytical Data

Trafic Monitoring

Know your users

Error Reports

+20 more features

Want a demo?

You can get a demo for your software before making purchase, register now and take your first step!

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What you want to use CPanel for?


Android App

iOS App

Something else

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